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2024-06-17 06:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1 Getting Started


If you are new to Origin, or have used a much older version in the past, it is highly recommended that you start with these tutorials. Once you have familiarized yourself with the interface and key concepts of graphing and analysis introduced in these lessons, you can then move on to other chapters that cover Origin features in more detail.

At the end of each lesson, we ask you to save the project. Please work through the tutorials sequentially as some build on previous lessons.

My First Graph Graph Templates and Batch Plotting Data Selection Merge and Arrange Graphs Publishing Graphs 3D and Contour Gadgets Curve Fitting Peak Analysis Statistics Analysis Template Apps in Origin

We hope this set of Getting Started tutorials has been helpful in providing you with a broad overview and introduction to key features in Origin. We recommend that you continue with more advanced tutorials in the categories in this book that are most relevant to your work.






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